Although we strive hard to provide you with the best of information for the AFOQT, there is nothing better than having an AFOQT Study Guide to help you. A well-written AFOQT study guide will help you study more effectively and efficiently.
Plus because of their full practice tests, you’ll be able to acquire experience taking the AFOQT. This is extremely important when it comes to the taking the AFOQT exam because of the time requirements. Remember, this test isn’t testing you on complex questions, but only looks to test your ability to think on the fly – no pun intended – and ultimately complete the test.
Therefore, the only way you’ll get experience is getting your hands on an AFOQT test preparation guide. However, if you look, there are many different AFOQT study guides and flight test study guides on the market. So, which one is worth your time and money?
Best AFOQT Study Guides
Thankfully, we at Military Flight Tests have purchased each one and gave them a critical look as to whether or not they make the cut. Hopefully, this will save you time and money. We’ll start with a side-by-side comparison.
Now, if you’d like more information about each, I’ve got a fully detailed review of each of our top 3 AFOQT Study Guide below ranked from best to the worst.
AFOQT Study Guide Review
#1. No products found.
The No products found. is the favorite of the bunch. As the name implies, it’s the most complete AFOQT guide you’ll find today. It only covers topics specific to the Air Force instead of trying to cover all the exams from every branch of service. This means you’ll get exadctly what you need for the AFOQT.
This AFOQT Study Guide has multiple sections that cover all aspects of the test. I particularly recommend taking the instruments and block counting sections very seriously. These sections are only found on the AFOQT, and this book prepares you well for both.
And for those of you looking for a Kindle version, you’re in luck! You can check out No products found. here.
#2. No products found.
The No products found. is as professional as they come. This study guide by Moon Point Test Prep comes with over 300 practice questions pertaining to the AFOQT.
Despite the number of questions, this book falls into second place for two reasons:
Lack of explanation: There are some subjects where you just get directed to go read another book without giving you a proper explanation. It’s not as complete as I’d really like it to be.
Errors in Answer Key and Print: There are several typos in this book. And it can get confusing particularly in the math section.
If you’re just looking for a huge bank of practice questions…this is a phenomenal choice. But if you’d like something with more explanation. Go with our #1. You can check out No products found. here.
#3. No products found.
I would love to make the No products found. a higher recommendation, however, at its current price, it’s not worth it.
This study guide is has some pretty great information actually explaining better than our number two pick. However, this AFOQT study guide just doesn’t have the volume of test prep questions like our second choice.
So while this is not a bad choice by any means, it’s not necessarily the best at any one area.
You can check out No products found. here.
The following are AFOQT study guides that are ABSOLUTELY NOT worth your money and you shouldn’t waste your time on. Turns out there are a lot of imitation AFOQT study guides out there that really don’t cover the material well or even go as far to have blatant mistakes. Therefore, to save you the time, headache and money, here is our list of AFOQT study guides you should absolutely avoid at all costs.
- No products found.
- No products found.
Again, do not waste your time or money on the above two books.
Get Your AFOQT Study Guide Now!
Having an AFOQT study guide on your side can be a big leg up. That’s extremely important for tests like the AFOQT where your success depends on being better than 85% of those taking the test if you want to become a Pilot. The only way you can get a competitive advantage is by getting experience and knowing what to expect.
So get your AFOQT study guide now and start preparing more effectively and efficiently.
[…] Writers, or it could be a list of technical books like Military Flight Tests did with their AFOQT Study Guides. Whether you write about technical or creative, there will always be applicable books out there for […]
Thanks for suggesting these afoqt study guides. These are very efficient study guide that provides you not only the practice test questions but also the detailed explanations of each answer. These book provide you the fastest, easiest, and the most effective way to prepare for the exam and show you the path to the professional career of your dreams. They should take advantage of the AFOQT exam review material, practice test questions and test-taking strategies contained in this Test Prep Books study guide.