This website has been built to provide sound information with regards to taking your military flight exams. I do my best to ensure the information on this website is accurate. However, over time, things change, and the testing standards or requirements may change as well.

Therefore, using the information provided on this website, you are at a risk of learning the wrong information. Again, as the author, I will do my best to mitigate this but reading ahead, you accept that risk.

It is also important to note that some of the links on this website are affiliate links. Although it will cost you no extra money using my links, I must ensure you understand that I will receive a commission for that – call it my coffee fund. Since links change and many links are not affiliates, it’s just best to assume that all links on this site are affiliate links.

Hopefully, after reading this, you aren’t scared about what I am doing. But I am legally obligated to provide the above information. This site was started out of passion, but I have found that even providing what is essentially free information, I open myself up to liability and attack. Please be fare and I’ll work hard to provide the best free experience.